Harry Potter
Winner Books!Why? No question about it! The movies leave important stuff out, add stupid stuff. Plus, did anyone notice that Harry actually kills Professor Quirrell in the first movie? In the book Voldemort leaves Quirrell's body and that condemns him to death. Isn’t the whole point of Harry’s character that he stays so GOOD? And won’t commit murder? The movies just leave out all of the details and nuance that make the books so awesome.
Harry Potter Box Set (Books 1-7 )

Sookie Stackhouse Book Series/True Blood TV Series
Winner Books!Why? Anna Paquin is no Sookie Stackhouse. Since she, you know, stars as Sookie in the TV series, the books win. The books are quite smart, especially because they acknoledge plaguing vampire-book-enthusiast questions. Like: wouldn’t all the vamps now when someone had their period? The show is certainly entertaining and I don't miss it, but that’s in large part because of Lafayette and Jason (and the former is a totally fabricated character!). The best part of the show is without a doubt Eric (played by Alexander Skarsgard) who is spot on as Eric and amazing to watch.
Sookie Stackhouse Boxed Set (True Blood)
Winner Books
Why? I adore Isla Fisher but the movie was terrible. It didn’t capture any of the books’ humor and charm. Isla Fisher inserted her own charm and lovability into the character, but none of it was Becky Bloomwoods’. And why did they make her American?

Devil Wears Prada
Lord of the Rings
The Twilight Saga Collection
Winner Movie
Why? Movie, movie, movie! I love clothes so that’s not too much of a surprise. But I don’t know why this book was ever given any credit. The main character in the books is whiny, hypocritical, and a straight up brat. She's an infuriating character exacerbated by her self righteousness and poor-me attitude. The movie fixes this so it's great.

Winner Movies
Why? I loved The Annotated Hobbit and I loved TLotR books, but really 10 pages on the history of the tobacco farming, including land disputes and family histories, of the fictitious hobbits? Not so interesting. The movies are unbelievable (in a good way) and pretty true to the books. I was upset at some parts during the movie at first viewing, but it all works out. Amazing movies. And who can get enough of Aragorn, Legolas, and Eomer?
The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings Boxed Set

Winner Toss-up
Why? They both kind of suck. I kept thinking the whole time I was reading the books, “why am I still reading this, this isn’t that good?”, yet I’d find myself reading until 2 AM. Most importantly, if anyone followed me around calling me My Love/My Lamb/My Sweet I’d punch them in the face.
An extremely important factor that is so far missing from the movie is the terrible message about what constitutes love that’s in the books. It's important to discuss with any young readers that it is NOT normal for your boyfriend to have you followed, or treat you as an invalid, or kidnap you for a weekend when he needs to go hunting with the guys.
An extremely important factor that is so far missing from the movie is the terrible message about what constitutes love that’s in the books. It's important to discuss with any young readers that it is NOT normal for your boyfriend to have you followed, or treat you as an invalid, or kidnap you for a weekend when he needs to go hunting with the guys.
Thank you a million times, I soooo agree! Especially about Twilight. I've been wondering if I was the only woman in America who felt that way. And lets get something straight-if you are the bookish, introverted new girl in school, you will most certainly NOT be embraced by the nice kids in school, become popular, nor lusted after by your school's 'hot guy' It just doesn't work that way. Just sayin'
ReplyDeleteThanks for the support! I felt like I was taking crazy pills when I watched how popular Twilight was becoming. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't say no to a conversation with Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner, and I think they play a huge role in the mass appeal but still....
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading!