Thursday, September 30, 2010

Book vs Movie: Which is Better? Part Three

Winner Tie
Why? The book is unbelievable; it's not just for kids.  Louis Sachar actually wrote the screenplay, though, so the movie is good.  And Shia Lebeouf stars and is great, as always.

Indian in the Cupboard
Winner Book
Why? Once again, is there anything worse than having an integral part of your childhood desecrated?
The Indian in the Cupboard

Series of Unforunate Events 
Winner Tie
Why? The books get more irritating as the series goes along.  They're hilarious and clever and original but I JUST WANTED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BAUDELAIRES! The movie may have ended things prematurely, and changed things here and there, but it was definitely in line with the spirit of the books.
(Older Sister edits: We love you, Lemony Snicket! Don't kill us!)
A Series of Unfortunate Events #01: The Bad Beginning

Winner Book
Why? Good actors, stupid movie, great book.

Nanny Diaries
Winner Book
Why? Scarlett Johansen is too pretty as the put-upon movie nanny for anyone to feel sorry for her. And I don’t like Paul Giamatti as a cold, bad guy.  The movie has unnecessary silly parts and the book is pretty silly.
The Nanny Diaries

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Winner Book
Why? Yes it’s a great movie with great acting and it’s definitely worth seeing but read the book first.  Never in my life have I been so infuriated with a character in a book.  Movie Nurse Ratchett doesn’t even touch upon the evil that is book Nurse Ratchett.
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (Penguin Classics Deluxe Editions)

Riding in Cars with Boys
Winner Book
Why? I saw the movie first but it actually didn’t ruin the book for me the way doing things in this order usually does.  The movie's good but the book is better.  The author’s unflinching honesty about the selfishness and inadequacy of her own parenting skills is what makes the book so great and so effective as a cautionary tale of the dangers of riding in cars with boys.  Who IS a good mother at the age of 15?
Riding in Cars with Boys: Confessions of a Bad Girl Who Makes Good

Silence of the Lambs
Winner Tie
Why? I saw the movie first and didn’t sleep well for days.  I read the book because it was required by my Abnormal Psychology class and I didn’t look at strangers in the same innocent way for days.  Fascinating book if you’re interested in crime novels and psychological profiling.   If you’re more into what makes a great movie…well, watch the movie.  But be prepared to be terrified!
The Silence of the Lambs

Winner Book
Why? Oh my gosh I can’t tell you how much I love this book! It’s so funny and so sad and one I can read over and over again.  Not so surpringsly, a Lifetime movie just can’t compare.

To Kill a Mockingbird 
Winner Book
Why? I was tempted to say "tie." Like Silence of the Lambs this is a heralded movie for many reasons.  But the book…ah the book! My all time favorite.  Magical.  Funny, deep, poignant, meaningful, touching…I'd consider naming my (non existent) kids Scout and Jem.
To Kill a Mockingbird

1 comment:

  1. Very entertaining series of entries! What else do you have up your sleeves? (btw, it's ME!)
