"Ron, you're making it snow," said Hermione patiently, grabbing his wrist and redirecting his wand away from the ceiling from which, sure enough, large white flakes had started to fall. - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter #06), page 514 (US Version)
Just like Hermione, we're sick of snow too. If only we could just ask Ron to make it stop... Or, you know, modify the bad behavior everyone begins to display as the winter wears on. Trudging through the narrow snow-clogged streets only to have a perfectly-normal-looking woman decide her backpack belonged in our lap on the subway and then become enraged when we suggested she hold it herself (not.making.this.up), we began to wish some of J.K. Rowling's inventions were real. (We're resisting suggesting any of the Death Eaters' curses were real, but really, some fellow subway riders apparently need to be scared into realizing the trains do not run solely for them.)
Yeah, OK, Harry thinks apparition is uncomfortable. He thinks it's suffocating and it does risk loss of small appendages. But when it goes well, it's more or less immediate. If he had to rely to public transportation to fight Voldemort, he'd probably enjoy apparition a bit more. And if we could apparate, our feet would be much drier upon arrival at work - or, for that matter, our arrival anywhere in the world, because we wouldn't be limited to traveling places the subway goes.
Plus, despite Harry's complaints, we bet we'd arrive everywhere happier. Because as long as all our limbs showed up at our destinations, no one along the way would be, say, cleaning their ears (seen on the subway), or deciding that our laps were good seats for their belongings (seriously, have people been taking manner classes from Umbridge?).
Who doesn't hate winter at this point? Everyone has wet feet, a runny nose, and really would rather snack all day rather than work. Well, our co-workers have lately brought their bad behaviors to work. One spends the day alternatively chewing bag after noisy bag of Cheetos with his mouth open and making bodily noises we wouldn't be surprised to hear coming out of an angry elephant. Another coworker has decided to take out her anger at the winter by attacking her keyboard with each furious keystroke into G-Chat (that is, when she isn't busy calling friends and families to complain). It's probably a good thing that our workplaces don't use memo-owls: loud typing probably doesn't hold a candle to squawking owls but we still think a well-placed muffliato spell would be helpful.
It was good enough to keep Harry and Hermione's tent-bound conversations from Death-Eaters' ears through most of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter #07). We certainly think that a well-placed muffilato would make us more productive at work!
And, if that doesn't work, we could always be in the market for a VANISHING CABINET!
What exists in Harry's world you wish were real?
And, if that doesn't work, we could always be in the market for a VANISHING CABINET!
What exists in Harry's world you wish were real?
Well Big Sister, your fantasies of being able to do Hogwarts-taught magic seem to be inspired by dealings with obnoxious people. As I share an office with only one other wonderful person, I'm going to take a different track. I would love, love, LOVE to have ACCIO in my arsenal. Think of all the possibilities! From TV remote to that time I left my wallet at home after an hour long commute, I think we can all agree that everyone's lives would improve.
ReplyDeleteNext on my list would be the EXTENSION CHARM. Many times have I fantasized about retrieving some bulky, heavy object from my pants pocket and returning it to its normal size for use. Can you imagine what going to the airport would be like if we could all do that? No need to check baggage for one thing...I suppose the body scan may cause a few difficulties but nothing a well placed CONFUNDUS CHARM couldn't fix.
For you, Big Sister, I'd suggest some IMMOBULUS and IMPEDIMENTA. Stop those terrible commuters from ever getting on the T! Next I'd learn IMPERVIUS (New England weather be damned!), REPAIRO (New England drivers who like to destroy my side mirrors be damned!), and of course I'd be an accomplished Legilimens.