Friday, January 21, 2011

Skippy Dies

Every best-of, year-end list seemed to include Skippy Dies. I've now tried twice to read it and failed twice. It's not bad! I'm just not compelled to keep reading it past page 100!

Boarding school stories typically are my favorite type of novel (I'm pretty sure my problems with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter #07) started with realizing Hogwarts was largely absent). Skippy is an angsty, dorky teenager - again, my favorite type of person, both fictional and real. There's a bit of mystery too: Skippy dies at the beginning, but why? The rest of the novel explores what led to his death.

So, those of you that are Skippy fans: can you please explain why I should keep reading? I want to love the book!

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